StrangeTown Monty 2.06(C): The Patriarch (Part 3)

Ethical dilemmas abound as Bianca Monty & Kent Capp have a long overdue conversation about his health, and Strangetown’s latest scandal (involving the disgraced patriarch General Buzz Grunt).

Sepp Rossi tries to reach out to Antonio Monty, the faltering patriarch of Veronaville.

How will the new patriarch of 13 Dead End Lane, Nick Grimm (formerly Nervous Subject), react to the discussion between Ripp Grunt & Ophelia Nigmos?

Stay tuned for an Extra that takes place in an Alternate Universe, a short chapter in screenshot story form, before STM 2.07(A).

[Premade Sims Stats List: Veronaville, Strangetown, Pleasantview]

[Watch on YouTube page]

Bloopers & Previews

Preview: Bianca Monty & Kent Capp Preview: Curious Brothers on break at work Preview: Antonio Monty Preview: Nick Grimm enters the discussion between Ophelia Nigmos & Ripp Grunt

StrangeTown Monty 2.06(A): The Patriarch (Part 1)

Nick Grimm (Nervous Subject) interviews prospective gardeners in Specter’s Yard. General Buzz Grunt’s son, Ripp Grunt, has an urgent chat with Ophelia Nigmos.

Bianca Monty quickly reflects on Kent Capp’s recent behavior, before responding to Vidcund Curious

[Watch on YouTube page]

POLL: [Nick Grimm, Sneaky Eavesdropper…]
– How many simmers predicted Grunt’s outcome correctly?

Bloopers & Previews

Ripp Grunt vs Ophelia Nigmos - The Confrontation Waylon Wolff, Leader of the Free World... Prospective Gardeners (Preview Shot) Tank Grunt, Military Recruit (Preview Shot)

StrangeTown Monty 2.04: Friends in High Places

General Buzz Grunt executes Step One of his plan. The Hyde Dynamic Secret Project Team discusses the Veronaville Device, as Kent Capp seeks medical attention. What the Fringe happened at Ajay Loner & Erin Beaker’s house…?

(Bianca Monty has been temporarily sidelined for this minor arc. But her status as “main female character” remains intact.)

[Watch on YouTube page]

Clarifications (Do NOT read until you’ve finished watching):
“Veronaville Device Project” is NOT the same as the “Secret Project”.

I turned 3 of my most trusted Racing Cars into 3 Scientists with Clearance Level 9. All three are minor characters who will NOT dominate the series’ overall focus, and have no prior history in the Sims canon.

Hyde Dynamic *is* a “ZZ Top Corp”. These guys (& their beards) are protected under the same “permanent ban” clause as my Racing Videos. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


General Grunt's Meeting Preview: Kent Capp with Xu and Ivanov Loner & Beaker's Mysterious Visitors

[EXTRAS] – More Employee Cards: Bianca, Vidcund etc (& a Glitch)

“STM Vidcund Curious Makeover” applied to Loki Beaker & Kent Capp.

StrangeTown Monty 1.08 (#8) Mediator

Bianca Monty’s presence in Strangetown causes different parts of the neighborhood to become… connected. Other Strangetown residents are less careful…

Plot Chronological Order: Episodes #5, #7, #6, #8.
#7 happens immediately after #5 ends.
#6 takes place the following sim day after #5 & #7.

Orig uploaded: Apr 28, 2012.
Views: 5493

[Watch on YouTube page]

[Bianca’s Windows & the Apparition]

Episode Bloopers
(Contains Spoilers: Do not click until you’ve watched the Episode)
[Olive Specter is Evil]
[Like Mother, Like Son]