StrangeTown Monty 2.06(C): The Patriarch (Part 3)

Ethical dilemmas abound as Bianca Monty & Kent Capp have a long overdue conversation about his health, and Strangetown’s latest scandal (involving the disgraced patriarch General Buzz Grunt).

Sepp Rossi tries to reach out to Antonio Monty, the faltering patriarch of Veronaville.

How will the new patriarch of 13 Dead End Lane, Nick Grimm (formerly Nervous Subject), react to the discussion between Ripp Grunt & Ophelia Nigmos?

Stay tuned for an Extra that takes place in an Alternate Universe, a short chapter in screenshot story form, before STM 2.07(A).

[Premade Sims Stats List: Veronaville, Strangetown, Pleasantview]

[Watch on YouTube page]

Bloopers & Previews

Preview: Bianca Monty & Kent Capp Preview: Curious Brothers on break at work Preview: Antonio Monty Preview: Nick Grimm enters the discussion between Ophelia Nigmos & Ripp Grunt